Gift Certificate Marketing

Big Deals Media helps radio stations by helping them create powerful new business programs by allowing your advertisers to finance a portion of their monthly investment with Trade/gift certificates.

Our unique cash/trade payment solution, coupled with our state-of-the-art e-commerce website and many other services, creates a whole new radio/digital revenue stream for your company.



Our Solution

To ensure your success Big Deals provides some key deliverables to your stations, including:


  • An in-market sales trip and sales training to help your staff kick off the program.
  • An App that allows for the purchase and redemption of mobile certificates, available on Android or iOS.
  • Regular email marketing blasts executed on your behalf
  • Access and ongoing training to the best e-commerce marketplace software in the industry
  • 25 miles of exclusivity for your stations to give your stations a competitive edge in your primary market area

Scott Murray

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"I have been looking for a way to take our auction into the 21st century, but couldn’t find a way to do it that would have the success that I need to justify it. When I found Scott Murray at Big Deals, I knew that it was the perfect platform for our stations. We are 2 weeks in and have done as much business as we would do in an entire quarter our old way and you can feel the buzz it is generating. The set-up was a breeze, the training on the Sales end and the software end was top notch and the follow-up was better than even my very high expectations was expecting.

Thanks Scott and the folks at Big Deals!"

Matt Ketelsen | Managinig Partner